Future vision Contact us

Future vision

We've already brought you the technology to provide your residents with the best daily care. But we are not done yet! Scroll down to see the features we are planning to add.

For families

Keep the whole family in touch

Never miss a thing in the life of your loved ones. Your family feed will help you stay involved with their daily activities, health updates, important alerts, and scheduled visits. Stay connected with all of your family members.

Reach out to staff instantly

Got a question? We are here to provide you with a direct line of communication with the senior housing staff. Connect with the home care facility right from your phone.

Apply online and get feedback

Submit the application online without the hassle of running around the city or mailing physical paperwork. Your application will be received by the care facility instantly and reviewed.

Find senior housing nearby

Locate the most prominent nursing homes in your neighborhood. We work with the best local institutions nationwide to provide you with the most comprehensive listings of facilities.

Sign documents digitally

Forget about paper contracts that you have to print out and mail. Every document on our platform is signed digitally and is legally binding.

Treat your loved one to something great

Show that you care — order a present, flowers, or anything else. Make your senior happy with one single tap.

For care facilities

Let AI take care of it

Thanks to our platform, staff can get real-time notifications on the current health and physical conditions of the residents based on artificial intelligence data.

Alexa, what's on the agenda?

Our dashboard has a built-in Alexa integration to help your staff assist seniors more efficiently. Set alerts or create scheduled reminders to have better information on the well-being of residents.

Receive Apple Watch insights

See how your residents are doing today with the latest data on their sleep, heart rate, and activity. Get notifications even if you don’t have direct access to the app.

Market your facility online

Our ultimate senior care housing directory will allow you to put your facility in the spotlight and attract more applicants daily. We’re the missing link between you and prospective residents.

We’re here to answer the

Frequently asked questions

A one-stop senior care facility management platform that allows staff to better plan, execute, and oversee the entire home from the cloud.
Your privacy is our utmost responsibility. We carefully handle all data and would never share your information without your consent.
We'll be happy to share our product with your senior care home! Fill in the form below, and we'll get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.
Pricing is on a case-by-case basis. The cost will depend on factors such as the size of your facility, the type of plan, etc. Contact us for an estimate and for a possible early bird discount.